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Review: Raleigh Spirit E

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ebiketips's picture

Dave Atkinson

Dave lives at the top of a big hill and his office is at the bottom, so he's all in favour of a helping hand. Plus, e-bikes are fun! He's the editor of ebiketips and one of the founders of EBT's road cycling sister site, He used to work on Cycling Plus and What Mountain Bike back in the day, and he's a former mountain bike bog snorkelling World Champion. Really.


6 years 6 months ago

Thanks  for the recommendation re The Cube  ~ but it doesn't look as 'sit up and beg'  ey   as I  need. 

The Raleigh looks more comfortable if you like  the more upright position  ~  but you say it lacks the necessary oomph for hills  and off road.   Maybe there's a modification in the pipeline which wd incorporate  those things ? 


ebiketips's picture
6 years 9 months ago

The spec of the raleigh is more robust, and the TranzX F15 motor will have a bit more power than the Bafang the Pendleton uses. Whether it's worth paying more will depend on how hard you'll be working the bike. for regular use, and if you have any hills in the way, the raleigh will probably pay off the extra investment

6 years 9 months ago

Great review! Very Helpful!

I'm torn between getting the Raleigh Spirit or Pendleton Somerby Electric Hybrid Bike (£750), is it worth paying more for the Raleigh bike?

I mainly want it to ride to work (6miles) and I was looking for a low-step e-bike with a classic sort of look.


ebiketips's picture
6 years 9 months ago

I'd maybe look at something like the Cube Touring Hybrid One for that kind of money. More of a robust build but still a nice upright position. There are three frame designs; the trapeze frame with the lower stepthrough is probably the one to go for, the easy entry frame won't have as much lateral stiffness if you're heading off road.

6 years 9 months ago

Thanks for this review, and the site generally, which appears excellent on first reading.

I am prob not alone in having come across your site via searching in regard to getting my first e-bike.

Please advise : I like v much the LOOK of this Raleigh Spirit, and also need the high sit up and beg position.  BUT ideally I would want something which might also have more  rough road capabilities ( it would be used in areas where there is just rough, non tarmac-ed, dirt and chippings tracks, as well as ordinary roads.

Something with fat, puncture resistant ( I can't change inner tubes, sorry ) tyres.

IS there such a bike ? Could go to two grand if necessary.   Maybe more if absolutely necessary ( what the hell! ).....

Keep up the good work with the site  -  do you have a day job as well, just out of curiosity ?

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