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Delivery firm Evri aiming to have 3,000 e-cargo bikes as it invests £19m in sustainability

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Rebecca Morley

Rebecca has been in cycling journalism since 2018. She started out at trade title BikeBiz and still contributes features to its monthly magazine, and was also named one of Cycling UK's 100 Women in Cycling 2019.


7 months 2 weeks ago

I imagine they are bikes only in the "good enough for lawyers" sense.

That said, in NL I imagine they might "work" (for more than the shareholders).  That's where you have low traffic volumes and speeds, cycle streets etc AND politicians motivated to care about the proles' desire to get about on their bikes.  Companies sensing a limit on taking the mick combined with a bit of pragmatism there might mean they get "more appropriate than a van" options?

I guess we should be watching their space(s).

7 months 2 weeks ago

Let's not keep up the pretence that these are "bikes" in any sense.